Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shutterfly's Christmas Card Offer

Just when I'd pretty much decided against sending a Christmas card this year, I saw a friend's facebook post about Shutterfly's offer for free Christmas cards for bloggers.

I think I might have used Shutterfly one time back when Luke was first born, but it's not been my usual online photo printing service. However, after looking through lots of their products, I plan to give them a try.

I love the options for the different kinds of photo cards. There are different sizes, color schemes, editing options, choices for flat or folded, photo paper or stationery, some with room for a holiday letter, and one with a timeline inside! Over 805 choices. How to choose?

I think the photo books have nice options, too. As a scrapbooker, I really like the 12x12 size they offer. I've considered switching to digital albums for Luke's books, and the option of having the consistency of the 12x12 album (which is what his traditional albums are) really appeals to me. You can create your own custom photo book, or take the simpler route and let them auto-fill it for you.

You can make calendars on Shutterfly, too. I may need one of the desk calendars for work!

I will let you know how the Christmas cards turn out. I love free stuff, especially when it's useful, good quality free stuff! Thanks, Shutterfly!

I'll post the Christmas cards once I make them.

1 comment:

The Echols Family said...

You will be so happy! I made our cards, and when I checked out and used the free code, it said "You have saved $125 and some-odd cents. What a great feeling!!!