Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer 2012

This year we went straight to Wisconsin from Caracas. Well, we went to Chicago, rented a car, drove to Wisconsin, bought camping stuff, camped for 3 days, stored the stuff with Jason's brother, drove back to Chicago for a wedding, flew to Minneapolis for the Aerosmith concert, flew back to Chicago the next day, visited Jason's aunt and uncle there, drove back to Wisconsin to visit Aunt Liz and Uncle Bob, and finally, flew to Texas!  Whew.  We loved our trip up north, but we were ready to light in one place and stay there a while!

Once in Texas, we were all three content to just hang at my parents' house for a while.  Luke went to a YMCA basketball camp, Mom and I shopped (a lot! We're redoing her craft room.), Jason took care of business and chilled.  More pictures to follow!

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