Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy Eights

I'm such a slacker when it comes to this blog lately. There's a big long post in the works, but by the end of most days, I just don't want to think hard enough to finish it. I do have the brain power for something like this, though:

Crazy Eights...

My favorite sister-in-law Jenny tagged me for here it goes. :)

Tag Rules...
1. Mention the person who tagged you.
2. Complete the list of 8's
3. Tag 8 of your wonderful blog friends!

8 things I look forward to:
1. Hugging my Daddy and my Mom at the airport.
2. Meeting my favorite nephew and making him smile. I have it all planned out.
3. Seeing Cairo out the airplane window for the last time.
4. Flat Texas land and big Texas sky.
5. Eating LOTS of Mexican food with good friends. All Fresco's, all the time.
6. Hugs from Luke every morning and every afternoon and those sweet random times he comes and gives me a kiss.
7. Having more babies someday.
8. Caracas, Venezuela! (Bogota, Colombia...Quito, Ecuador...Lima, Peru....La Paz, Bolivia...)

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Read to Luke
2. Shouted at kids who wouldn't be quiet
3. Showed Mark Kistler art videos to my students
4. Checked on plane tickets to California for my friend's wedding
5. Gathered a few things to pack
6. Watched The Office with Jason
7. Took a little nap on the couch
8. Played Chutes & Ladders with Luke, who won.

8 things I wish I could do:
1. fly
2. make things better for the people I love when things are not going well
3. be more uninhibited
4. cartwheels
5. discipline myself to write every day
6. catch up on my scrapbooks
7. play piano like Margie Brown
8. tell my grandparents how much I miss them

8 shows I watch:
2. The Office
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. Big Love
5. Entourage

8 Bloggers I Tag
1. Jodi
2. Anne Marie
3. Rosemond
4. Christy
5. I don't know if I have
6. four more to tag,
7. So if you are a blogger, feel free
8. to tag YOURSELF! :)


The Echols Family said...

Asuncion, Paraguay...Montevideo, Uruguay...Brazilia, Brazil. Brazilia, Brazil. :)

Kiki said...

I don't know who Ben and Kelsey are but when you click on that tagged name "Christy" that is who's link pops up. So, if you were not tagging me, then I am a post stealer. Love you, miss you, can't wait to hang out!