Thursday, February 28, 2008

All the King's Horses and All the King's Men

Well, I've been looking for an excuse to make a Humpty Dumpty page in the scrapbook. Now I have one. Last weekend we went walking down Road 9. Jason and Luke like to balance on curbs and jump off little steps. Jason likes to let Luke jump by himself a lot--gotta encourage the athleticism, right? So they were showing me how Luke can jump by himself off this little wall. He did it all by himself one time and landed superbly on his feet. Then he did it again. He was all set to jump and I could tell he wasn't really paying attention. I saw him--slow motion--lift into the air, hang his feet on the edge of the wall, and land, forehead first, then nose, then chin on the sidewalk. He screamed. I screamed. His forehead was instantly bruised and scraped, his nose was scraped, and his teeth had cut the inside of his bottom lip. I was so scared (concussion! teeth knocked out! We're in Cairo!). I sent Jason to get something cold to put on his head while I rocked and held Luke. Some guys who worked in a shop down the street brought ice. We comforted Luke, who was fine after a few minutes, and still insisted that we go to his self-proclaimed favorite restaurant, Jared's Bagels.
We went back the next day for the pictures (aforementioned Humpty Dumpty page in mind). His face had already started to heal, but you can see the knot on the left side of his head in the picture, and his little nose looked like he'd left half of it on the pavement. I guess some of these incidents are to be expected when you've got a two-year-old son, but it doesn't make it any easier on the mother!


HK Christensens said...

Just tell Luke that girls dig scars - it worked with Noah, perhaps a little too well.

Kiki said...

Your right, it dosen't make it any easier on the Mommy. Especially when the Daddy is shooing(?) you away so that you won't make a big deal out of nothing that is something! A.J. has learned how to milk me for all the aid and care and love I can give when he is hurt. I didn't believe Andy when he told me but I shortly learned for myself. Secretly, I don't mind. But I don't want him to be a sissy either.

Sarah Nicholson said...

Oh, poor pumpkin! I'm glad he's okay. I'm sure Ellie would be happy to lend him an Elmo bandaid if it happens again. (Nevermind that we only have Nemo bandaids).