Monday, May 5, 2008

Ask Me Something!

I'm getting ready to wrap up our first year here in Egypt. I've already started writing a post summarizing our year here for future publication...maybe next week.

All this year I've written about places we've been, things we've seen, and day-to-day things I've found interesting. Now it's your turn. Is there anything I've left out that you want to know? Big questions or little ones--ask, and I'll answer! If posting in the comments section proves inconvenient for you, send me an email at I will make a list of questions and get busy answering them.

Tara got me started yesterday. She asked if there was Dr. Pepper in Egypt. Yes, there is! Luckily, I don't drink Dr. Pepper unless I'm desperate, so I don't have to pay the $2 per can price tag for DP. I happily pay less than 50 cents for a can of Coke or Diet Coke.

Any more questions? Bring 'em on! I'm curious to hear what you wonder about.


jrodges said...

Coke is so more worth it anyway :).

I will have to think about a question........ :)

tara said...

Ok..I have one more..What is the one food you wish you could get in Egypt that you loved here???

Nancy said...

So, I'm curious...

What brings you to Cairo, exactly?

We're moving there in 9 days for school. I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing :)

Just wondering about strollers, really...I noticed in one of your pictures that you have an umbrella stroller. Does that work for you?

We were told we'd probably need a jogging stroller.

I don't know. We've been to Egypt before, but I didn't have a baby then so I wasn't thinking about strollers...

nancy (dot) heiss (at) gmail (dot) com