Monday, March 30, 2009

Mimi and Kari's Egyptian Adventure - Day 5

My very favorite place in all of Egypt is at the Red Sea. I love going there, particularly to my friend's house there, because it's the one place in Egypt that is truly quiet. I feel like when I am there, I can hear my thoughts and let myself be still more than I can at home in Cairo, and I am always thankful for the time I spend there. I have spent many hours outside, staring at the sea, praying for my family to come visit Egypt. I wanted to share this place with them.

I love to go there and search for shells and sea glass, and I wanted Mom to have an opportunity to find sea glass from the Red Sea. You can't imagine how precious this time was to me! We spent a few hours walking along the beach and enjoying the quiet.

Luke and Jason had fun throwing rocks in the sea.
And we played with the camera taking pictures of our shadows.

Jason and Kari hung out in the yard reading - Kari has her hat on sideways with a gift card stuck under her hat to protect her ear from the sun, and Jason has on his dad's old Blue Blockers. A fashionable pair if I've ever see one!
There's a little playground at the sea that Luke enjoys. His Mimi enjoyed it too! I love that my mom is so playful and fun.

My friend has a croquet set that Luke remembered playing with last year. He asked her about it as soon as we walked through the front door! She already had it out ready for him.

This is the chef and the waiter from the restaurant playing with us!

We only stayed for the day, so we left at about 5:00 to head back to Cairo. We stopped at Johnny Carino's for dinner.

The restaurant had a dance area for the little kids. Jason took Luke over to dance. Be sure to watch the video below!


Tiffany said...

this one needs a kleenex alert!!

Kiki said...

The picture of you and your mom hugging at the Red Sea made me cry!!

Georgie's mom said...

I am crying, too!